Hands-on workshop on the Most In-demand Skill
International Certificate in Soft tissue Manual therapy (CSTMT)
International Accredited Academy (ISSA) and Registered with Government Of India
Ph.D Scholar (America), Master in Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal), Certified Dry Needling Practitioner and Instructor (South Africa), Certified Manual Therapist, Certified Taping Master Trainer (Canada), Certified Pilates Instructor, Certified Manual Therapist, Certified EMG-NCV therapist (USA), Certified Sport sector trainer(Govt. of India), Academic head & Instructor (KKMT ASIA), Developer Tapedia – Encylopedia certified taping, Co-Author Book on KKMT, Author (Magical Manus), 3 times World record holder.
Simplify the understanding of fascial lines in 4d Anatomy view which gives insight of human body.
An internationally accredited and valid certificate to ease your practice.
We provide you the document for applying for job or any other requirements
Trigger Point kit to help you know better.
The course includes the theories and hands on approach on providing effective soft tissue techniques relevant to your patients’ needs, to setting up a practice and retaining clients,with the physiological, physical,therapeutic and psychological aspects of myofascial techniques.
The course explains how each soft tissue technique benefits each area and details particular benefits to the body,during specific pain areas and also both Pre and Post sports event.
Course includes Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation, Muscle Release (MFR) Technique,Fascial reorganization,Positional release,3 D release,Muscle energy technique, Deep tissue release, Active release technique,Trigger point release, Deep friction massage, Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction, and Tapotement,Stretching along with self massage techniques. You’ll learn how each works and the different methods used within each type.
Muscle release technique
Physioneeds academy is the first and only academy in the world which is providing Anatomical
fascial line taping™ concept.
The Course starts at 9:00 AM and commends at 8:00 PM including 1 hour’s Lunch.